Becca O’Leary /// Achieving Fulfillment with a Team


After eight years in promotional marketing and advertising, Becca O’Leary found her decision to leave her job both difficult and easy. Although she was grateful to now be home with her little ones, she began to crave adult interaction. Determined to find something of her own, Becca decided to fill the void she’d been feeling since walking away from her career, without compromising her devotion to her first priority job as mom.

In 2011, Becca’s good friend, Jamie Petersen, suggested she look into Rodan + Fields®. Becca held some preconceived notions about network marketing and didn’t think it was the right opportunity for her. “I was super naive about the industry, so I told her no. But, I wanted to support her, so I became a Preferred Customer.” Over time, Becca watched Jamie’s business grow and saw how it was transforming her life. “I saw the stress melt off her husband’s shoulders as she built her business. That’s when the light bulb went off and I saw there was real potential with this business model. I knew I needed to give it a shot or I’d regret it.”

At first, Becca thought it would just be a fun way to make some extra money. “I honestly didn’t do much for my business in the first year or so. I’d just had my second baby and I was focusing on that.” When Becca realized she really wasn’t making her business a priority, she considered letting it go. But things changed drastically in October of 2012 when she attended a Super Saturday training day. “Jamie loves to push me out of my comfort zone and I thank her every day for encouraging me to attend that event.” Listening to the speakers that day completely altered Becca’s perspective. “It was such an eye opener. I finally realized what an incredible opportunity I had in my hands and I wasn’t doing anything with it.”

Becca resolved to make it a priority and truly treat it like a business. Once she set her mind to it, Becca’s business grew quickly. After attending her first Convention alone, she is amazed that, this year, she’ll be going with 60 women from her team of hundreds. “When I finally submerged myself into this culture, I immediately fell in love with the Company, the Doctors, and what they stand for. The corporate team is absolutely awesome.” Becca is constantly impressed by the support and incentives along the way. “You’re already pushing yourself to reach your own goals, and then you get rewarded by the Company too. It’s unreal.”

By disciplining her drive, Becca surpassed her full time corporate salary, while only working her R+F business part time. “It’s changing our lives. My husband has a great job that allows me to be home, but it’s stressful and I wanted to remove that stress by creating a plan B.” The power of her business and word of mouth marketing has stunned Becca. Seeing goals, that she didn’t imagine possible, come to fruition has solidified her belief in the business model.

Becca’s absolute favorite part of her R+F experience is her team. She is blown away by the incredible group of intelligent women that have joined her in business and truly changed her life permanently. It’s inspiring for Becca to watch everyone use this opportunity as the vehicle to get where they want to be. “There is endless support and I love how we have come together. It warms my heart to see how much we care for each other and hope for each other’s success.”

The social aspect of the business is also extremely fulfilling and gives Becca something of her own, which is exactly what she was searching for. “I really look forward to our events and I think having something outside of being a mom makes me a better mommy too. It feels good to get out once in a while and share something I’m excited about. Having that girl-time has been really good for me.”

She never expected to be comfortable speaking in front of 300 people, but, with some practice and training, Becca overcame that hesitancy. Her business has really pushed her to new limits and taught her to focus on challenging herself. “It’s been empowering to see my own development and to show my kids that mothers can have careers and still be there for them, never missing those important moments.”

One of Becca’s strengths is her ability to relate to people who have reservations about network marketing and she loves opening people’s eyes to what a truly unique Company Rodan + Fields is. “About 90 percent of my team told me no at first. A majority of them were huge skeptics, just like I was. But, it’s been so neat to watch the business unfold and see how not only my perspective has changed, but how others’ opinions changed as well.”

The unwavering belief in her business helps Becca focus on her Why and allows her to let everything else roll off her shoulders. “There were times when I questioned myself and my business, but, now, I’m indestructible to that. I keep my eyes on the prize. Everything I do in this business, I do for my family. And I just remind myself of that.”

Becca can’t wait to share her business with everyone she cares about because she believes with her whole heart that it can change lives and open the door to the most wonderful, supportive relationships. “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you’re consistent and work hard; you can accomplish so much. We can do a lot on our own, but when we work as a team, we achieve so much more and it’s that much more rewarding to know it was done together.”

InspiredJamie Petersen