Kristin D’Uva /// Every Step Counts

he combination of three young children and a career as a nurse anesthetist didn’t leave Kristin D’Uva with an abundance of extra time. In fact, by the time she had her third child, she was trying to cut back her hours at the hospital, in an effort to be home more and achieve a better work-life balance.

Eventually, she was only working two days a week; but in 2011, both of Kristin’s sisters had children of their own. “My mom had been our primary means of childcare while I was at work, but she began having to split her time between all her grandchildren.” At that point, Kristin and her husband realized they would have to make some changes. Ultimately, she chose to reduce her schedule to one day a week at the hospital, but was determined to figure out a way to make up for the pay cut.

At the same time, Kristin was researching skincare products. Although she had never had any dermatological problems, she felt it would be a good idea to find a reliable product and be proactive about preventative skincare. However, she felt overwhelmed by the vast array of choices and was hesitant to spend money on something that wasn’t going to give her results.

Kristin happened to notice a Facebook post by a former student of the anesthesia program she managed at the hospital. “She mentioned Rodan + Fields®, and I thought she was working in a dermatologist’s office, so I messaged her to find out more.” When Kristin learned about the products and the business opportunity, it all clicked. “I saw the chance to start a business without having to be away from home. I didn’t sleep for the next two nights because I just kept wondering, ‘What if?’”

Unsure if a nurse anesthetist without skincare experience would make a successful Independent Consultant, Kristin continued wondering how she could make the business work for her. Unable to get the opportunity out of her mind, Kristin enrolled as a Consultant on New Year’s Eve of 2011. She began working her business 12 to 15 hours a week and was able to earn a profit within her first month.

At first, Kristin was surprised to find herself in a leadership position, but being surrounded by encouraging and uplifting people kept her inspired to continue to push and extend herself beyond her comfort zone. “I hadn’t realized that my personality lent itself to being a leader because I was never in that position before. By being present and supportive, I’ve learned how to motivate others.”

One year into her business, Kristin was able to match what she had been making at the hospital, back when she had been working two days a week. This past March, Kristin realized she had the opportunity to step back even more, and she made the decision to completely walk away from her nurse anesthetist clinical position. A few months later, she reached Elite Level V status, and her R+F income has since exceeded what she had been making when she was working at the hospital full-time. “I never thought this would allow me to walk away from my job, especially while working fewer hours.”

The results Kristin has experienced using the R+F Products herself have also been a huge perk. As Kristin has gotten older, brown spots on her skin began to bother her. Following her pregnancies, she also developed some further discoloration. In less than eight weeks of using the REVERSE Regimen, she saw a significant improvement in the appearance of her brown spots and discoloration. “I immediately had confidence in my skin and when others noticed the difference, they wanted to try the products too. I felt like a walking billboard for the success of the products.”

Kristin’s business has given her the opportunity to take control of her time as well as her earning potential. In the past, she and her husband felt that they could never get ahead financially, but because of Kristin’s R+F business, they were able to buy their first home together. Kristin also sees the possibility to pay off her school loans much earlier than she anticipated.

The knowledge that she is helping others keeps Kristin motivated to push forward. She is confident that, with the right mindset and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve success. “It requires faith in yourself and the belief that you can do something new. If you stick with it and continue to take steps every day, no matter how small or slow those steps are, you will always be moving forward—and that is progress.”

InspiredJamie Petersen