Lauren Myers /// Balancing Family, Community, and Personal Development


A former pilot in the Air Force, Lauren Myers transitioned from Active Duty to the Reserves when she and her husband decided to have children. She didn’t think she would ever find another professional opportunity that satisfied her the way the military had, especially after her family’s situation changed and required much more of her time and attention. Lauren became the primary caregiver for her husband, a veteran with disabilities, and her two daughters, the eldest born with autism, while also working part-time. “It takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to raise a child with autism, and it is very hard to do that if you’re working full time.”

Lauren decided she needed to find a way to contribute financially without neglecting her responsibilities at home. Several of her military friends whom she highly respected were Rodan + Fields® Independent Consultants. “I saw them experiencing success and I wondered what they knew that I didn’t.”

A friend from the Air Force Academy reached out to Lauren and invited her to a business presentation, but Lauren was skeptical, having had a negative experience with a direct sales company she’d been involved with in the past.

Yet, as Lauren watched her friends on social media, she was continually impressed by the professionalism she saw. What ultimately helped her to overcome her reservations about R+F was seeing how Independent Consultants were using their businesses to help communities and people in need. “That was a big draw for me because I saw a way to be involved with a business that would allow me to be there for my family, potentially contribute to our finances, and provide an outlet to help others.”

After reaching out to her friend, Lauren came to understand the strength of the R+F brand and the quality of the products. “I was finally in the right place at the right time, and I didn’t want to have regrets down the road because I didn’t take the chance. I really trusted the credibility of the Company and so I jumped in.”

Lauren hoped to make a few hundred dollars a month to contribute to her family’s finances. When she reached that goal rather quickly, she realized she had set her goals too low and had to reevaluate what she wanted to do with her business. “I had underestimated my own and the Company’s potential. So I set bigger goals and started working hard with a renewed belief in myself.”

Lauren’s family had been struggling financially for some time, but as a result of her R+F income this past summer they became debt free. “That was such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders because, with my husband’s disability, I had to be the sole provider for the family for a period of time. Because of R+F, I can be the main breadwinner and the primary caregiver, but I don’t have to sacrifice my time with my family.”

Her business has provided a way for Lauren to find the perfect balance between her family’s needs, their financial requirements, and her desire for a professional life. “I don’t think I would have found a way to do that with any other opportunity out there. And, when I need to take a step back and focus on my family, I have the flexibility to do so and my business doesn’t stop because I have built such a solid foundation with my team.”

Lauren especially thrives on the supportive community she has found in R+F. She has found that Consultants help each other through thick and thin, and it reminds her of the tight community she had in the military. The success of her teammates and helping them change their lives for the better is an important aspect of her business. “My business has really shown me that personal success comes when we help others to be successful.”

It’s also rewarding for Lauren to watch others grow and push themselves to step out of their comfort zones. She enjoys being a part of their personal development and encouraging them to overcome obstacles and gain the confidence to then help others do the same. “I was very uncomfortable with this at first, but through the Company and team training I have grown into a confident leader, and I see now that we are just here to help people.”

Lauren’s long-term goal is to move her family to Hawaii and start a nonprofit focused on helping families of disabled veterans, as well as families with special needs. “I would love to create an organization that takes families in need out on ocean excursions because when you’re in those situations, you don’t have the extra money to do fun things like that.”

Lauren’s business has helped her realize that no matter what your situation, there is a way to find financial and professional success while still being available to your family. She is inspired to share this with others, especially those dealing with special needs or medical issues, because she knows the R+F opportunity can provide a way to find a balance between personal needs and desires, and professional goals and family obligations. “Life is too short; we need to do what we love and be with our families. This opportunity has given me the means to live life on my own terms.”

InspiredJamie Petersen